Thursday, January 13, 2011

paid off.

WEEEE! Three semesters of anatomy had come to an end! I'm really glad it's over! After the exam, I went to the post office with Syikin to pick up a parcel. I was so excited because I've been waiting anxiously for this one to come. Finally, the day before the exam, I received a notification to pick up my parcel at the post office.  What a perfect timing! I got something to celebrate this amazing day! :)

p/s: see i'm not kidding you about the eyebags! 
at that moment the picture was taken, all I can think about is my bed! 


Anonymous said...

haha. letak la gmbr beg tu nk tgk. btw, hows anat?

nurul khalidah said...

bag ape?

Anonymous said...

tu benda yg beli tu. wht did u bought? beg ke?

nurul khalidah said...

3 tops and 1 jeans.