I need to escape for awhile from the textbooks and notes. These past few days had been so depressing! Preparing for anatomy exam is no fun at all! It is usually at times like this when we regret not focusing in class and lectures. Typical! I'm sure I'm not alone because everybody is complaining! Haha thank God bless my housemates for listening to all my whines.
My room is a mess right now. The bed has become the study place. I'm always the kind of person who needs a table to study. But then, the table isn't big enough for all the atlas and whatevernots. And I can't sit for too long, because I have this back problem Yes, I'm old like that! For now, old and grumpy. Yesterday I planned to stay up till the next morning, but I only managed till 4am. And now, the eyebags are getting worse. It's not even bag anymore. Luggage maybe. Urgh so uglyy! No more staying up for me!
One more day to go, then I'm done with anatomy! Tomorrow is the day. Whatever will be, will be.
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