Saturday, May 14, 2011

just a thought.

It seems that as each day passes, I become lazier, and lazier. I find that it's hard to be motivated to get things done. With final exams in just a few weeks time, this isn't good at all. Why am I like this? Sighhhh 

Lazing around by the Moscow River after class, awesome dinner with friends, walking around without any known destination and Victory Day celebration. I feel like there were too much going on this month! Blame the Sun and the good weather! Haha tho I'm even tanner than I already was now, I enjoyed every single moment outside. Don't you feel like there's always good vibes around in this season? Especially after the so ever long winter!

Not that being happy all the time is bad, but it kinda made me lose focus. I totally need to get back on track! Books books books *nerd glasses on* 

P/S: I just came back from a little trip to Vladimir! Will blog about it soon. Till then! :)

1 comment:

R S said...

the only solution to beat procrastination - GET RIGHT TO IT! once u start, u realise that it actually feels good to get stuff done! And then it further motivates u to get more and more work done. It's a win win situation!