Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is old news, but what the heck I'm done with third semester of my medical degree! And with that, I have 9 more semesters to go before I graduate. Last two weeks were insane! I swear I never studied that much before and that was the main problem. Struggling at the very last minute. But Alhamdulillah, everything went well for me. Even though my marks aren't perfect, but at least I can say that I'm improving a lot compared to the last two semesters.

I have to admit, I was a lil bit frustrated at first, but never mind. Baby steps! Thank God I am blessed with friends who never fail to cheer me up. And major thanks to my mother's comforting words. As soon I read them I felt better! Before every exam I will text my mom and say sorry if my result will disappoint her. I don't know why but I never seem to have the confidence that I will pass the exam because I was never the smartest kid in class or whatsoever. Okay la maybe a few times here and there when I got first in class. But then it was never consistent.  

What's my problem? I would say I have low willpower. It's a problem I've been trying to overcome since forever but never managed to succeed. In my mind, I always have the thoughts and ideas on this and that but I never try to make it happen! Or if I tried, maybe halfway. Yes I'm lazy like that. Seriously, I don't know how I ended up here in medic school. Oh actually I know. This is the one thing I am passionate about since I was a little kid. This is what I always wanted to do, other than being a stewardess which never get the approval of my parents. ( okay at this point I also confused what was I talking about ) 

But basically, all I wanted to say is low willpower is my weakness and this year I am seriously trying to work it out. So far, I can say I kinda succeed a little. *pat myself on the back* Haha!

You are the only person on earth who can use your ability. -Zig Ziglar

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