Monday, December 20, 2010


Now, the time has come for the 'zachut-hunting'. Here in Russia, we have to collect signature from lecturers of every subjects in order to be able to sit for the final exam. And we need to pass a colloq (test) to receive the zachut! And to make it more interesting, this is the time when all subjects will be having control on the same week! Last week was so intense and exhausting with only 2 colloqs. But on the bright side, I already got 3 signatures in my zachut book. And on a brighter side, no more classes on Saturday! WEEEE :D 

But unfortunately, this week will be worse! My schedule for this week is filled with continuous colloqs 4 days in a row! Sigh what a great life I'm living. There's always some colloq to look forward to everyday! *positive thinking* Whatever it is, I can't wait to get this over with. Just give me all the zachuts I need and I'll be thankful enough. Let's not think about the the final exams first k. Winter sales come first! Haha 

2009 winter sale. Oh, how I've missed you! 

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