Monday, December 13, 2010

malam apresiasi.

I attended Malam Muzikal Apresiasi Kemanusiaan organized by my uni last Sunday. I decided to go after changing my mind a few times. Well, I'm glad I did. The event was overall great! Actually the journey before and after the event were even better! It was freaking cold. Around -7 if I'm not mistaken. And wearing baju kurung during winter was definitely challenging. Plus, I didn't have appropriate shoes to wear with the baju kurung that can protect my feet from the coldness. So yeah, I settled for my cream patent peep toe heels that I wore for raya. Yes peep toe! Fashion 1 - Weather 0 My feet never touched the snow before. It was an awesome experience I supposed. And hopefully that would be the first and the last time. 

The night was basically to honor our national language, Bahasa Malaysia and also to spread the message of humanitarian. I found that the concept of the event was quite confusing but well maybe it's just me. Like I said before, overall it was great. Kudos to the organizers!

My favorite performance of the night is a recital of sajak written by Usman Awang, Salam Benua. 

MEREKA memisahkan kita
pasport visa wilayah segala tempoh nama
mereka merompak kita dengan undang-undangnya
peluru dikirimkan dalam bungkusan dollarnya
kita dipaksa memilih salah satu
dan kita mesti memilihnya
tiada jalan lain

Telah saudara pilih senapang dan peluru
banyak pemimpin memilih dollarnya
untuk ini saudara membasahi baju
rumput-merah sungai-merah
tangis anak-anak
darah rakyat tertindas

Saudara memerah kaktus melumat batu
menjadikannya minuman makanan
gadis-gadis bekerja debu pasir dandanannya
anak-anak kecil menyandang senapang
saudara menghitamkan langit menyelubungi
saluran minyak
setengahnya menyanyi di penjara
untuk pembebasan Palestin

Kami bertatih di sawah semakin kering
petani-petani mulai menebang hutan dara
permulaan kecil pada ketenangan segumpul awam
ketenangan yang di belakangnya memangkas kami
yang sedikit ini sedang belajar
dari tiap pengalaman saudara
dan pengalaman sendiri
kami memampatkan gerhana bulan mei
pada tujuan tempat
nusantara ini

tanpa visa
kemanusiaan rakyat
seluruh benua

Usman Awang

I didn't take many pictures because all we do was sit still and watch the performances. At the end of the day, I only have six pictures in my memory card. Haha so here are some of them. 

Kak Aimi and and Elle. My two lovely ex housemates! 
I miss having them in this house. 

Ain and the birthday girl Fatin in beautiful sarees. 
Geylia and Sasha, the two most friendly Russians I ever met. 
And yours truly of course. 

Budiman, Pujangga, Bestari
Samurians Batch 24. 
Picture credit to Rosdiana :)


awang dayang said...

wee~ like ur blog! sweet n simple :)

nurul khalidah said...

thanks fatin :)