Finally the youngest baby of my dearest aLw sisters reached a new decade of her life! Too bad I can't celebrate this day with her. But I'm sure the celebration is well taken care of! Better be or else I'll kill Ahmad!
First of all, I'm soo sorry! This picture is just too cute that I have to share with the world! Hehe jangan marah! At least your mom didn't make you wear the tudung labuh sampai kaki kann? Haha but seriously this is cute!
Well what can I say, happy being 20 and have a blast k! And behave Dina behaveee! Haha lots of love! *hugsss* xx
p/s: i miss youuu woman!
omg nurul khalidah! i havent stalked your blog in forever! sebabtu baru bace post ni. hahaha. tgh emo haritu kau sorg je of the alw sisters tak call okay =p. but thank you sooo much, i heart you! and i miss you loads! get on skype lah syg its been too long!
alaaa sorry la. i wanted to call but takde duittt! haha will call you soon kay. kau tak skype pun. im on skype like almost everyday kottt.
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