Sunday, November 21, 2010


My weekend is finally here! I really appreciate Sunday because it's the only free day I have. So I would wake up early and live the day to the max! (read: laze around) haha I slept quite late last night, so I woke up later than the norms. Last night, I've started reading The Undomestic Goddess, yet again by Sophie Kinsella. The first few chapters were great that they kept me awake last night. 

How were your week? I guess mine were good! Nothing really cracked my nerves except for the badly 'polluted' air i had to breath in. They kinda ruined my mood. Dealing with BO and unpleasant smell coming from different sources everyday is not something I look forward to. Yikes! 

Moving on, I've been wanting to tell you guys about the second excursion with my russian teacher and the groupmates. Last Saturday, we went to Cosmonaut Museum in VDNH. We suggested that place to our teacher because it sounds interesting. And thank God it really is! As we all know, Russia is the leading country in astronautics, so there are a lot to see in there! The most amusing thing for me is the 'Conquerors of Space' monument. 

Inside, the whole place were massive! We went 'ooh' and 'aah' at every single thing displayed there. A bit jakun as we would say. The first part of the museum basically dedicated to Yuri Gagarin, the first man who went to space. 

Let's not bore you with my crappy writings and enjoy the pictures instead! 

the interior.

the tourists.

this is just too beautiful to be collaged.  it need it's own frame. 

and last but not least, 

our malaysian hero.
I'm very grateful that my russian teacher is very nice to us. He offered to bring us for more excursion around Moscow. This is a very great opportunity for me and my friends to discover and explore the greater side of this country. Wouldn't it be sad if after 7 years of living here, all we know in the end are the route to our classes and those grumpy russians. Looking forward for more interesting discovery! :)

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