Monday, November 29, 2010

city break.

Sunday saw me at Sergiev Posad, a town located 75km to the northeast of Moscow. It took us 1 hour plus train ride to reach the town. Sergiev Posad is famous for its monastery. Apparently, it is one of the highest rank of orthodox monastery which Russia has only four of them. 

The train ride was fun! It's not what I expected it would be though. Never mind that because the company was awesome! Sasha, my Russian teacher brought his friend along. Liza is a pre school teacher and oh my she treated us like one! She gave us chocolates and bubble soaps. And she expected us to play that in the train. Of course, we didn't want to be rude, so we played along. I love bubbles anyway. But then, she tought us some nursery rhymes with hand actions and all. We had to do it together! I swear everybody was looking at us! They might thought that we're 10 years old or something. Haha but over all it was fun! In no time, we reached our destination! 

And oh my myyy it was freaking cold! The minute I stepped out of the train, I couldn't feel my feet already! Everyone's nose were turning red already! I mean, just look at Syikin here. Hehe 

And we continued our journey to the famous monastery. It was about ten minutes walk from the train station. Ten minutes which felt like hours! Damn I hate winter. 

As we entered the monastery, I felt like I was in Hogwarts! With the snow and man walking around in robe (the priests i mean). So yeah. A tour around the place by Liza's friends. I've made new friends along the trip. They are older than us but omg so crazyyy. It was fun walking around with them. Because of some connections, we got the privileged to go to the top of the bell tower! So i guess, that was the highlight of our trip.

I was literally freezing up there. My fingers were hurting. Spending the first day of winter on top of a bell tower is a very smart idea! Haha it was all worth it because the view was breathtaking! 

What's better than a hot cup of tea during a very very cold winter? I was relieved when they invited us to someplace indoor for some tea and snacks. 

When the 5 o'clock bell rang, we decided to head back to Moscow. I felt like spending the night there because it was sooo cold outside! But of course we didn't. I never spend  a night in a mosque before. Never alone in a monastery. Haha 

The train ride home felt like ages. The signs of flu started showing and I slept and woke up a few times before we reached Moscow! Oh yeah it feels good to be home! 

Over all, the trip was awesome! I don't think we will think of going all the way to Sergeiv Posad all by ourselves. Let alone be on the top of the bell tower! I had a great time and I bet others did too! We are very lucky to have Sasha as our teacher! :)

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